(This information was provided by Lee Pasborg. Thanks Lee!)
If you have a newer Mac,
installation is quite easy. Look under the Apple Menu for Internet Access and choose Internet Setup Assistant. (If you do not have
Internet Setup Assistant you will have to enter the same information in the
Modem and TCP/IP control panels.) The first screen asks if youd like to set up your computer to use the internetanswer Yes The second screen wants to know if you have an internet accountanswer Yes This takes you to the Introduction page. Read it and click on the right arrow at the bottom of the page On configuration and connection page you are asked to name the account. You may choose any name you wish - "Show-Me Net" is a good choice. Be sure to choose modem at the bottom of the page. When finished, click on the right arrow. On the modem page you need to pick your modem from the choices listed. |
Internal Modem |
External modem |
If your Mac has an internal modem, you should see it listed if it is not the default choice. | If you are using an external modem and you dont see it listed, you may have to load the modem script software that came with it. You must also choose which port the modem is connected to. External modems may be connected to the printer, modem or USB ports. Not all Macs will have all of these ports, but all will have some of them. |
Also choose tone or pulse dialing. Most
people in this area should choose tone.
Click on the right arrow when finished. The Configuration information page is next. Enter the local Show-Me Net phone number you will be using: Jackson 204-0040 and your Show-Me Net user ID and password. You should have all of this information on your welcome letter. (If you share your computer with people youd rather not have using your Show-Me Net account, you can leave the password field blankbut you will have to enter your password every time you log on). Click on the right arrow when finished. Click no for PPP connect scripts and click on the right arrow. Click no for IP address and click on the right arrow. On the Domain Name Server page enter (without quotes) for the domain name. Click on the right arrow. On the E-mail address and password page enter your new e-mail address. It will be your login name followed with It will look like: [email protected]. Enter your password in the password blank. Leave the third box the way it is and click on the right arrow. On the E-mail account and host computer screen enter your e-mail address and on the second box enter (without the quotes) and click the right arrow. Click on no for proxy servers and click on the right arrow. Click on Go Ahead to try and log on immediately. If you want to log on later uncheck the box. To log on later, either find Remote Access in the Apple Menu or use the computer/telephone icon on your control strip. |
This page was last modified June 9, 2006